Thursday, March 27, 2014


Last weekend our 6-10 year old class had the opportunity to participate in QuestFest. QuestFest is visual theatre showcase for hearing impaired, deaf and ESL audiences. Earlier, the Open Minds Art Club facilitators (including me) had a great training session with them which was 90% wordless. We played games, but had to figure out the rules to the game through pantomime. Exceedingly challenging! How to tell a story through visuals, movement...body language! It was pretty darn awesome and we took that information and created a Human-powered Carousel for the performance. They all had fun, we got oodles of compliments and I feel pretty accomplished!

The first image is from my camera, which I strapped to my jelly bracelets in the hopes of getting the 'inside experience' of the carousel. In the second image, you can see that I am actually playing the part of the middle mechanism.

And it was good.

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