Sunday, February 13, 2022

Written In Pink Ink

A non-valentine Valentine from mom on May 31, 1989, I was 13. This was written within the last year of her life; she died in November '89.

It has been saved by me -- in pristine condition -- for all these years. Such a good mom. I don't believe I was so disappointed at the time, but she sure was, on my behalf.

This kind of love is still a mystery to me (a mother's love), or maybe all of it is... not necessarily the emotions, but the definition, the types, how to express each of them, and how to see them each in others. We should have more words for "love", because it really encompasses so many ways of being, and so many gestures, and so many different 'feels'. One word in a language is not nearly enough to express it all adequately.

her letter is written as follows:

My Dearest Daughter,

As I sit here on the eve of your graduation, I feel a real sadness in my heart that your talents have gone unrecognized by the public & staff at UCPS. I guess the reason for this (your lack of recognition) is very simple yet rather hard to accept. Your wonderful talents lie in the "arts" --music, dance, drama, speech and NEW ideas. I might also add that you have a great sense of responsibility & interest in helping others. Unfortunately for all students like you, there IS NO AWARD for creativity, responsibility & initiative at UCPS. Frankly, I think that this is a big, big error, but that's life! I truly feel that YOU did more for creativity than other students there. Your contributions to your school were many. To me, you were the BEST in all of these areas & I appreciate you and your creativity much more than a scholastically excellent or a 'Mr. Nice Guy' type. I admire what you've done & hope that these talents will not continue to be unappreciated in the future. I love you just the way you are.

All my love,
You're the greatest!

this is a corresponding piece I created using copies of the letter, from 2010

Deer Hart (Dear Heart) - Warm

On a darker note, this piece also contains the Neko Case lyric: "Blood from her heart spilled out onto my dress and was warm."

Elemental. Bloody. Love.