Tuesday, June 28, 2011

Busy Plus Links

I am in the home stretch of my thesis work, those 4,000 prints just snuck right up on me. Tonight I facilitate the second of four printmaking workshops in Remington at Porch Art. If you want to see what that's all about, Porch Art now has a facebook page: https://www.facebook.com/pages/Remington-Porch-Art/218720528159837 I have met some really awesome people at Porch Art, last summer and this summer.  It's a really great community program, run by volunteers, with donated supplies. Community Arts greatness lives there!

Check ya for now, I gotta run to get to school and get a parking spot...

Thursday, June 16, 2011


Hey, been pretty busy what with my three (!) summer sites and my thesis work. I am steadily creating my 4,000 collograph prints, and will be starting the two new sites next week. So in that vein, I present to you, Street Studio!!! I will be facilitating art activities for all ages in East Baltimore, somewhat in front of MICA PLACE. I will also be facilitating four printmaking workshops (collograph and screen printing) at Remington's Porch Art on Tuesdays in June and July for the grant I received. All of these are FREE neighborhood activities.

Look at the cool Street Studio poster that Natalie Tranelli, (one of my partners in art/crime) created for the first session...

I'm rarin' to go!!!