Saturday, June 16, 2012

The Motherload

While recovering from my last thesis, I am trying a few new things while also defaulting to my beloved circles. I simply can't get enough, they help me so much. I have also 'started' (not really, I have been eyeing these for awhile) creating, for lack of a better term, 'run-off' paintings on actual good paper. Let me explain. Since I normally paint on a relatively small scale, I tend to just grab a book to paint on and a sheet of scrap paper to catch the drippings. I have saved and then alternately thrown out so many great would-be pieces of this type. They would be great if the drippings dropped on some paper that was thick enough not to be wrinkly and crazy etc. So with all of the losses I have been incurring in this manner for years, I decided to tape some good paper down and dribble away on that. I got some really good results, so I think there's something to this....anyway, the first two are the 'run-off' paintings, and the majority of the rest are smallish watercolors, maybe a 4" x 6". I also created a few larger 'color field' paintings at 10" x 15" and one of the same size that I feel has really great, fluid movement.

I'm calling these "Accidentals"...


the three, 10" x 14" ish's....

 the 4" x 6" ish's...

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