Tuesday, November 10, 2009

Did I Mention...

I designed this lil album cover?

Mr. Eccentric Band Guy needs to remain anonymous, but if you see this anywhere in your travels...just know, it's Shana-made.


Momo Luna S!gnals said...

Great. :-D

Vag said...

is that an opposum in his hands?
i enlarged it but i still see that rat nose and beady eyes.

shana goetsch said...

yep. an possum. (hard to write that and have it make sense)

artbymonimack@gmail.com said...

that is great. I like the duo of colors. Would you mind sharing how you made this? Was it like a drawing that you scanned in and then changed colors through like Adobe Photoshop?? It is fantastic.

shana goetsch said...

way less high tech than that moni. i selected a photo, i scanned it, i printed it, i scribbled on it, i scanned it again, i taped something on top, scanned it again. then i manipulated the size to a square and black and white (requested). the color is just the colored paper.
lots of steps in my low tech process.