Saturday, November 29, 2008

Working On It

I'm working on the next piece in the series...and then I think I'm stalled a bit for now. Or I need to take a break from all of the gore and deer. It's cool, I'll let it run its course, whatever path it takes.
I struggled with the imagery on one of them....that one might not ever get made...but I feel I have rather a solid series to work with in any case, so for that I'm excited.
But I think that I still may explore the 'bow and arrow' angle further, except without the aid of any deer. I really wanted to work Orion the Hunter into something, but the opportunity has not presented itself as of yet in this group of images. We shall see, we shall see...the big romance between Orion and Artemis may just be referenced any day now. *rubs hands together in the nitty grit*

The previously mentioned fifth piece, by the way, will be subtitled, 'Warm'. Photos should be coming any day now.

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